Our prices are up to 90% less than the U.S. and Canada. Please see all prices here.
- Acne Treatment.
- Age Spots Removal.
- Birthmark Removal.
- Broken Blood Vessels.
- Dermabrasion.
- Facial Veins Removal.
- Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment.
- Laser Hair Removal Treatment.
- Mole Removal Treatment.
- Pigmentation Treatment.
- Redness Treatment.
- Scar Removal Treatment.
- Sclerotherapy Treatment.
- Seborrhea or Actinic Keratosis.
- Skin Discolorations Treatment.
- Skin Rejuvenation Treatment.
- Spider Veins Removal.
- Stretch Marks Removal.
- Sun Damage Treatment.
- Tattoo Removal.
- TCA Skin Peel Treatment.
- Toe Enhancement Treatment.
- Varicose Veins Removal.
- Wart Removal.
- Wrinkle Fillers.
- Wrinkle Removal.
Please write for a detailed explanation of all treatments and a complete price list.